Cinescope lln programme
Cinescope lln programme

Book V, Middle East and Africa Corp Author(s): Nihon Bikuta Kabushiki Kaisha. The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Conf Author(s): Festival panafricain du cinéma de Ouagadougou (10th : 1987). Cinéma et identité culturelle : 10ème édition du Festival panafricain du cinema, 21-28 février 1987. Conf Author(s): FESPACO (Festival) (8th : 1983 : Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). Festival panafricain du cinéma de Ouagadougou, FESPACO 1983. "Souleymane Cissé, cineaste malien." Presence africaine. Tradition orale et nouveaux médias Conf Author(s): Festival panafricain du cinéma de Ouagadougou (10th : 1987). Conf Author(s): FESPACO (Festival) (10th : 1987 : Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). 10e FESPACO : 18 ans au service du cinéma africain. "Souleymane Cisse, cineaste malien." Presence africaine(144): 133-138. Conf Author(s): Festival panafricain du cinéma de Ouagadougou (9th : 1985). Ministère de l'information et de la culture. Cinéma et libération des peuples : 9e FESPACO 1985 du 23 février au 2 mars. Corp Author(s): Connecticut State Library. The Black experience in films available from the Connecticut State Library Film Service. Urbana, African Studies Program University of Illinois. Corp Author(s): University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. African Studies symposium : popular Islam in twentieth-century Africa, April 2-3, 1984.

cinescope lln programme

Corp Author(s): Sunduq Da‘m al-Sinima (Egypt). Los Angeles, Calif., William Grant Still Community Arts Center. Corp Author(s): William Grant Still Community Arts Center. African fiction and film : three short case studies Corp Author(s): Open University. Conf Author(s): Videotape as a Development Tool Workshop (1981 : Bamako, Mali), New York, N.Y., Martha Stuart Communications. Report on phase II of the Videotape as a Development Tool Workshop, held in Bamako, Mali from 19 June to 17 July 1981.

cinescope lln programme

Corp Author(s): Black Filmmaker Foundation. Corp Author(s): Nigerian Folklore Society. Instrumental functions of performing arts in the Nigerian popular culture. Conf Author(s): Videotape as a Development Tool Workshop (1980 : Bamako, Mali), New York, N.Y., Martha Stuart Communications. Report of the Videotape as a Development Tool Workshop, held in Bamako, Mali, from 26 May to 30 June 1980. New York City, Black Filmmaker Foundation. Conf Author(s): Festival panafricain du cinéma de Ouagadougou (6th : 1979). 6ème festival du cinéma, Ouagadougou du 2 au 10 février 1979. Report and recommendations of Kano conference of federal and state officials of information, culture and films, June 28-July 2, 1976. Films on Africa: a descriptive list of motion pictures in the Indiana University Audio-Visual Center and the African Studies Research Collection. "Ouagadougou : African cinema." Entente africaine. Rabat Morocco, Ministère de l'information Centre cinématographique marocain. Re-enacts a Boer cavalry and infantry charge being repelled from a British position and shows a Boer leader being taken captive following his surrender. Summary: Uses stage dramatizations made approximately at the time of the Boer War to show British lancers and infantry charge up a hill and overrun a Boer position. The Boer War (contemporary re-creations) (Motion picture), Thorne Films.

cinescope lln programme

Committee of Fine Arts and the Humanities. Corp Author(s): African Studies Association. Los Angeles, etc.] Division of Cinema of the University of Southern California : v. Corp Author(s): University of Southern California. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, La Federation : v. Le Burkina Faso Corp Author(s): Pan-African Federation of Film-Makers. Johannesburg, South Africa, Clarion Communication Media. South African film and entertainment industry.

#Cinescope lln programme tv#

Ouagadougou, Marché international de la TV et du cinéma africains : v. Conf Author(s): International Fair of African Film and Television. Bibliography of African Cinema, Film, and Video StudiesįESPACO.

Cinescope lln programme